Saturday, July 27, 2013

Koffi Olomide ft Cindy Le Coeur - Ikea - Paroles - Lyrics

koffi: Eh qui dit que abimi le premier alors que l'échec naino amonani te ?

koffi: Eh! Who said that it is the first time when that the failure is not yet known?"

Cindy : Ba chances na nga ya bomwana esileli nga kaka boye likolo
yako patienter. Fidélité eboma nga zelaka zelaka ! (Choeur : zelaka yoyoyoooo)
Baninga nyoso babala quartier ekoma masculin, nakoma fille unique ya quartier (Ikea Claudia Sassou). Bientôt nga ménopause mbula nini okobala nga, ki mobange ekomi a deux pas ; b'espoirs ekomi miracle.

Cindy : All my chances of childhoods have disappeared to force to wait. The fidelity kills me, because I had to wait for. All my friends were married, the neighborhood are all male, I remained the only daughter of my neighborhood. (Ee Claudia Ikea Sassou). Soon will be the menopause, when will you marry me?, old age is already here ; the hopes have become a miracle.

Koffi : Y'obotola nga mapapu, ndeke akomi crapaud.

Koffi : You have confiscated my wings, the bird becomes a toad!

Cindy :Nazangi mayele ya kopimbwa bolingo ekomi en l'air, il fallait oyebisa nga, olekisela nga ba fiancés, oyinisi nga na famille okomisi nga demi-journée, lelo obwakisi nga aa.

Cindy : I lack of intelligence (medium) to steal, the love is gone in the thin air ; you need to tell me, what you have done for me ?I spend my days much betrothed ; I am hedge of my family, I became a half-day. And today you abandoned me (you me rejects) !

Choeur : Nazalaki kaka mwasi ya souffrances, bisengo epayi basusu ee. Naselelaki Bible kasi y'osaleli na yo journal. Y'otieli nga couvre-feu na ba projets na nga, ah mwana mobali oyo ! Nazalaki kaka mwasi ya libabe, bisengo epayi basusu ee. Naselelaki Bible kasi y'osaleli registre de commerce. Y'otieli nga couvre-feu na ba nzela na nga, ah ! Jeune homme !

Choeur : I was always a woman of suffering, the joys was for the other. I have used the Bible, but you have used the log. You have placed curfews (barriers) in my projects, oh boy! I was always unlucky woman , the joys was for the others. I have used the Bible, but you, you have used that as the register of commerce. You have placed curfews (barriers) on my paths, ah, this young man!

Cindy : kaka maloba oyebisaki nga, okobala nga lelo ekomi contraire

Cindy : Of all the words that you said (of all the promises that you made), that you would marry me, everything is on the contrary

Koffi : O négliger moto alingaki yo na tango ya pasi, y'olandi moto alingaki yo po o ngindi !

Koffi : you have neglected the one who loved you in the time of the suffering to follow the one who loves you because you have become rich.

Cindy : Un jour oko koma na yo vieux pata pata e ee ee. Y'o rouler nga aa, y'o tromper nga aa, quelque part okozala aimé, mais na ndimi te que plus que moi, obungisi ideologie (bolingo na yo intemporel). Jamais ekozala oublié, jamais ekozala remplacé eee

Cindy: One day you shall conceive our old memories (eeeeee). You have made me rolled up, You have deceived me, somewhere else you shall be liked, but I do not think she is more than me. You have lost the ideology (Koffi: The love is timeless) ;you will never be forgotten, you will never be replaced. eee!

R/Choeur : Lopete olatisaki nga ya ngwanzou ee, délai ekokeli nga na loboko garantie ya 3 mois Nzambe, naza sucée nga moto babenga nga moseka na bolenge na nga. Etabe nalonaki eteli yango ekoti nkusu. Mokomboso aboyi koliya ayoki nausée ; moto nalingaki aliya asimbeli nga fimbo, touche na carré kobeta baponi Ronaldhino.

R/ Choeur : You had put on me a false union (ring of union), that has had only a time limit and a three-month warranty in my finger, oh my God, I am sucee, me who was called the beautiful virgin in my youth. The bananas that I have planted have matured and are violations of maggots. The gorilla refused to eat, he experienced nausea; the one who was supposed the eat me tends a whip. To play the key in the square, he now chooses Ronaldhino.

Cindy : Antiseptique ebimisi vérité (oyo abombelaki nga Claudia Ikea Sassou) ;lokola sango aza na ye bijoutier te e...

Cindy :The antiseptic revealed the secret (the truth) (Koffi: what he told me had hidden, Claudia Ikea Sassou). The fact that the priest is not a jeweler ...

Choeur : Bomba ata sekele na nga mama ee, koyebisa bato te que nga na yo tokabwani, pinzoli esali mbonge mais otiki nga na ceinte

Choeur : Guard my secret, do not say to anyone that you and me we have separated, the tears are a torrent, but you have made me left in a house surrounded by parkland.

Koffi : Bolingo ekomi lokola mikate ya mwanba ebimi na poche ya ndoki, kozanga oyo e dominer ba sentiments ya kolya. Esengi ba prophètes baya kobenisa yango,
bolingo na nga ezangi moto ya ko pambola yango ee. Nakende matinale na papa Gizenga natuna ba peuples, est-ce-que naza... ? (oza kitoko !!) Merci na bino. Est-ce-que nabe ? (Obebi te, katula yandi) Napesa nani ? (na yandi ve, katula yandi). Ee Claudia Ikea

Koffi : Love became similar to the peanut pasted donuts from the pocket of a sorcerer. The miss dominated the feeling of the eat. It requires that the prophets bless them. My love lack someone who can explain it. That every morning for me is to visit papa Gizenga to ask the peoples: how I am? (Choir: you are beautiful). I thank you. Am I fine? (Choir: No, you are not fine. You are sad). Who could I give? (Choir: Not to him, You are sad). Ee Claudia Ikea

Guélord: Naninana... wowowo la letter d'autrui, nga na fongolaka te... Il s'appelle Mopao, ye Quadra koraman...Paracétamol, mutu pasi pona bolingo...

Guelord : Naninana... wowowo, I never open the letter of others. Oye ! ... He's called Mopao, the Quadra koraman ... Paracetamol, headaches because of love ....

Gabana : Bolingo ekomisi nga zoba, baseki nga mingi oo... Bato ya mokili... nakoyokela moto te...

Gabana : (Love has made me beast (fool). Everyone mocks me ......)

Babia : Pesa nga moto ya nzoto n'o, pesa nga nzoto ya moto n'o. Nzoto na nga ezalaka fragile epa na yo... Ah non non non... Chéri tiya nga lolemo ne se nga nayoka diki-diki e, nga nayoka bien bien bien...

Babia : (Give me thy hot barrel, give me the warmth of your body. My body is fragile for you ... Ah non non non. My dear, crazy me my language is at the bottom that I have of the flesh of chicken ... My dear, crazy me my language is at the bottom, but I pretend that Ifeel well (of caresses) ...

Djos Diena : wowowo... o barrer nonga bébé, osali boye olukeli nga liwa, bato nyonso bakomi kokamwa ngai, mama...

Djos Diena : wowowo... o my barrier baibé, osali you caused me sorrow, all the people are surprised with me, mama...

Choeur : Bord na plan, plan na bord, science fiction ya bolingo ooo. kutchu kutchu mbe, kutchu kutchu mbe...
Choeur : (Edge into the plan, plan in the edge, fiction of love. Kutchu kutchu mbe ...)

Koffi : Ee, aee, e Claudia Ikea Sassou
Koffi : Ee, aee, e Claudia Ikea Sassou



  1. Lovely song. Can't getbenough of it.

  2. A masterpiece by the legend himuselefu..

  3. Music without koffi will never be true musica, Koffi ollomide is the KING OF KINGS

  4. What a powerful song! it's on replay mode right now and I love it.. sending love from Kenya

  5. The song is well done though very few mistakes in translations. But all in all the message is well relayed

  6. The song is well done though very few mistakes in translations. But all in all the message is well relayed

  7. The song is well done though very few mistakes in translations. But all in all the message is well relayed

  8. Le Grand Mopao for Sure,no doubt!!!

  9. One of the best hits in my dear playlist

  10. the best still listening to it

  11. Science fiction ya bolingo oooo kutchu kutcu mbe

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